Our WPS & Payroll solution is designed to cater to all types of corporate customers – from large construction companies to small businesses like groceries. Al Fardan Exchange was the first Exchange House in the UAE to launch its own prepaid closed loop WPS compliant payroll card back in November 2009. We have a dedicated relationship team to manage large corporates and work closely with employers as well as their employees to provide cost effective, secure and convenient wage payment solution.

Payez (Mercury)
- Launched in 2021
- Cost effective and comprehensive WPS solution
- Personalized chip and PIN card for each registered employee of the company.
- Free cash withdrawals at Al Fardan Exchange branches
- Free balance enquiries at Al Fardan Exchange branches and Call centre / IVR.
- Free Corporate portal for Corporates and Customer Portal for Employees.
- Cash withdrawal from any ATM with Mercury logo – domestically and any ATM with Discover / Diner logo - internationally (charges apply).
- No charges on POS transactions.
- Competitive rates on remittances and other value-added services offered by Al Fardan Exchange.
- 24x7 Customer Care for employees (cardholders) to resolve all their queries and complaints.
Read Terms and Conditions
PayEZ (Mastercard)
- Launched in 2017.
- Personalized chip and PIN card for each registered employee of the company.
- Cost effective and comprehensive WPS solution.
- No minimum account balance required.
- Cash withdrawal from any ATM with Mastercard logo – domestic and international (charges apply).
- No charges on POS transaction.
- Competitive rates on remittances and other value added services offered by Al Fardan Exchange.
- 24x7 Customer Care for employees (cardholders) to resolve all their queries and complaints.
DW Eaze Card
- Personalized chip and PIN card for registered employees.
- 85 + Branches across UAE.
- No charges on POS transactions.
- No minimum account balance required.
- Competitive rates on remittances and other value-added services offered by Al Fardan Exchange.
- Cash withdrawal from any ATM with Mastercard logo – domestic and international (charges apply).
- 24x7 Customer Care for employees (cardholders) to resolve all their queries and complaints.
We have 2 types of packages offered to our corporate customers
under the WPS program as follows:
- For companies that prefer to completely outsource their wage payment services to Al Fardan Exchange
- Eligibility: Maximum of 20 employees only
- Provision for end to end service for WPS
- For companies having more than 20 employees
- Special processing charges for companies with over 100 employees
- Companies have the option to register their employees through the self-service Online Employee Management Portal
- Dedicated relationship manager to handle any queries or issues faced by companies
Corporates can deposit their funds along with processing charges
using any of the following options:
Cash deposit at any Al Fardan Exchange branch in the UAE
Cheque deposit or bank transfer to the specified bank accounts
Fund transfer to Central Bank of the UAE account of Al Fardan Exchange through your local bank account
We do not just cater to unbanked employees but also banked employees whereby we transfer salaries of employees to their respective bank accounts in the UAE. We also remit funds to employees deployed overseas on project basis.